Composite Suede/PVC
Self-Inflating Suede Mattress, great quality and comfortable. Ideal for camping.
Dimensions: 190cm x 65cm x 5cm
Available in: Olive Green & Black
Package Content
Trailblazer 21-Points Self-Inflatable Satin Air Mattress With Pillow - DARK BLUE
Trailblazer 21-Points Self-Inflatable Satin Air Mattress With Pillow - BROWN
Trailblazer Self-Inflatable Foldable Air Mattress With Pillow - YELLOW
Trailblazer Self-Inflatable Foldable Air Mattress With Pillow - RED
Trailblazer Self-Inflatable Foldable Air Mattress With Pillow - OLIVE GREEN
Trailblazer 9-Points Self-Inflatable Polyester Air Mattress With Pillow - RED